Shinzu Face

Ancient Indian technique

About this treatment

This treatment is applied using a tool called Kansa (Kaahn-sah), which comes from Ayurveda, an ancient Indian science that has venerated Kansa as a healing metal for the body for centuries (a mixture of pure copper and tin, a unique version of bronze). For the wood part, it is known in treatments to remove wind, humidity and cold. This treatment brings a luminous glow to your face, and can revitalize your cells. It balances the subtle energies of body and mind, harmonizing the 3 Doshas or bioenergetic principles of Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Doshas are vital energies (humors), combinations of several elements (water, air, fire, earth and ether).

  • Vata: kinetic energy air + ether
  • Pitta: energy of transformation fire + water
  • Kapha: earth + water cohesion energy

What's included?

During a Shinzu face session, you can expect :

  • Relieve eye fatigue resulting from prolonged screen use.
  • Revitalize the face and give it a natural glow.
  • Relax neck and shoulder muscles.
  • Helping you relax overall.
  • Reduce feelings of stress and tension.
  • Improve your mood and connect your mind to your body
  • For fatigue, lack of energy, aches and pains

(Not for pregnant women)


Full or partial treatment to revitalize you and bring you deep relaxation, according to your needs and desires.

45min massage


Relieves tension, stress, facial boost, relaxation.


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